Monday, October 24, 2016

Week of 10/24 - 10/28

- Tuesday, October 25th - Reading/Phonics (Rowland Reading Program) Progress Assessment will be given; you can review with your child:
  1. identifying initial sounds /k/, /o/, /g/
  2. identifying letters Cc, Oo, Gg
  3. identifying initial letter-sound correspondences c/k/, o/o/, g/g/
- Thursday, October 27th - Interim Assessments will begin - there is no preparation needed for this exam; students may also dress down with a $1 donation.

- Friday, October 28th - Class Picture Day. ALL students must be in FULL Uniform.

- $5 will be collected by Friday the 28th for the Halloween party.
- Halloween Parade in on Monday the 31st at 9:00 am; parents are more than welcomed to join us; students may wear their costumes to school. 

- Please continue to review with your child their sight words throughout the week.

  1. him
  2. if
  3. see

Monday - 10/24
- Complete math worksheet for lessons 24 and 25
- Write each sight word 3 times each in homework notebook

Tuesday - 10/25
- Complete math worksheet for lesson 26
- Phonics book pages 32, 33, 34 and 35
- Review sight words - I will finish assessments tomorrow; a list of the words that need to be reinforced will be sent home so that you can continue to review with your child and prepare them for the following assessment.
- $5 will be collected by Friday the 28th for the Halloween party.

Wednesday - 10/26
- Complete math worksheet lesson 27
- Write a sentence for each sight word in homework notebook
- Review sight words
- Dress down tomorrow for $1 donation
- $5 for Halloween party

Thursday - 10/27
- Compete math worksheet lesson 28
- Sight words assessment has finally been completed. Index cards with the words that need to be reinforced will be sent home tomorrow so that practice over the weekend can be done.
- Reading Rowland Progress Test was given this week and has been graded, they will be sent home on Monday so that you can review with your child and sign it. **PLEASE MAKE SURE TO RETURN THEM BACK TO ME**
- Parents can visit Great Minds for math tips. This can help greatly in reinforcing what was done in class and completion of homework done correctly.
- $5 will be collected by tomorrow for Monday's Halloween party; children will have a parade at 9:00 am and parents are more than welcomed to join us, the party will take place later on during the day. This means your child can come dressed in their costumes on Monday.

click here for this week's lesson plan