Sunday, December 18, 2016

Week of 12/19 - 12/23

- By Tuesday, December 20th: Please send in shopping bags with your child so that their books can be packed away for the break.

- Lessons and Carols will be on Wednesday, December 21st @ 8:30am in the school's church, parents/guardians are more than welcomed to join us.

- Homework for the holiday will also be sent home on Wednesday, December 21st.

- Christmas Party will be on Wednesday, December 21st students may wear dress clothes (no jeans).
Pizza for the class will be provided by Ivan's Mom so students are asked to bring in the following to help and share with the class:
Table 1: Cookies (nothing with nuts since we have children who have allergies)
Tables 2 and 3: Chips (1 big bag)
Table 4: Juice boxes (1 pack)
Thank you for your help and cooperation -Ms. Coello

Monday 12/19
- Math worksheet lesson 6
- Review sight words
- Please read the reminders section above for information on Wednesday's Christmas party.

Tuesday 12/20
- All homework for the Christmas break was sent home today. Please check again tomorrow afternoon for the listing of all homework.
- Please remember that Lessons and Carols are tomorrow in our church @ 8:30am sharp, parents and guardians are more than welcomed to join us.
- Also for tomorrow, children MUST bring in shopping bags to put their books away for the break. Finally, please check above for you child's name and what needs to be brought in for tomorrow's party.

Thanks, Ms. Coello =]