Sunday, January 22, 2017

Week of 1/23 - 1/27

  • As posted on the school's blog, beginning Monday, 1/23 dismissal will be at 3:15 pm as per Mr. Woods. If someone else other than yourself is responsible for picking up your child, please advise them of the new dismissal time as we will not be dismissing until 3:15pm. -Thanks!
  • Midterm exams will be sent home this week, please look over them, sign them and return them back to me. -Thanks!
  • The end of the 2nd quarter is next Monday, 1/30. All grades will be posted up on Cornerstone by then.
  • Decodible books will be sent home this week so that students can begin to get into the flow of reading more and eventually independently. I ask that parents please make sure that they are returned on time as I only have a limited amount and students will be taking turns using them throughout the week. - Thanks!
  • I hope that most of you were able to access Superkids Online Portal over the weekend and that your child found the reinforcement actives fun. I encourage for students to log in a few nights a week to keep up with practice.
  • As previously mentioned in earlier post, parents are urged to create an account (if you haven't done so yet) on GreatMindsHomework Helpers and Parent Tip Sheets can be found on there for each module that we cover and the lessons within them. These supplements are a great aide to you as the parent when helping your child complete their homework.
Sight Words

Monday 1/23
- Write each sight word 3 times each in homework notebook
- Complete math worksheet for lesson 15 and 16
- Review sight words and blending worksheets

Tuesday 1/24
- Some children took some decodable books today, please have them read it tonight and return back tomorrow. Since we only have a limited amount, other children will need them to take home tomorrow. -Thanks!
- Complete math worksheet for lesson 17
- Complete Phonics book pages 115, 116, 117, and 118
- Both ELA and Math Midterms were sent home today. Please look them over, sign and return to me. Thanks!

Wednesday 1/25
- Complete math worksheet for lesson 18.
- Write a sentence for each of the sight words in homework notebook.
- Review sight words and blending worksheets
- If you have not yet returned the midterms signed to me, please do so tomorrow. -Thanks!

          Since I have a few parents having trouble login onto the Superkids Online Portal, I have contacted the person in charge of it and currently waiting for a response. As soon as I get answers or they fix the issue I will inform parents of it right away. -Thank you for your patience.

Thursday 1/26
- Some children took home decodable books today, please have them read it tonight and return back tomorrow. Since we only have a limited amount, other children will need them to take home tomorrow. -Thanks!
- Complete math worksheet for lesson 19
- Phonics book pages 121, 122, 123, 124
- Review sight words and blending worksheets

Friday 1/27
- Review sight words over the weekend. Students will have an assessment on Tuesday. A reminder to parents, the sight words are not to be sounded out, they are memory words. Your child should be able to recognize them and say the words instantly.
- Review blending worksheets. Have your child go over each sound alone and then blend the sound together.

Lesson Plans for the week