Sunday, February 5, 2017

Week of 2/6 - 2/10

Supplemental Online Helpers
  • Parents, don't forget to log onto GreatMinds. Remember that Homework Helpers and Parent Tip Sheets are provided for each module that is covered in class and the lessons within them. This is a great aid to you as the parent when you sit with your child and help them with homework.
  • Also, IXL is another great reinforcement tool that can be used at home with your child. Both ELA and Math can be practiced on a weekly bases by your child.
  • Map testing will be administered this week from Tuesday, February 7th through Friday, February 10th.
  • If your child is still struggling with identifying sight words, you should be reviewing with them on a daily bases (please remember that they are memory words).
  • New blending worksheets will be sent out this week, I hope by now that parents have been able to log onto Superkids Online Portal and that their child has been able to practice and get familiar with the site. Also keep in mind that it s only accessible through a computer. It is not compatible with iPads/tablets or phones.
Sight Words


Monday 2/6
- Complete math worksheets for lessons 25 and 26.
- Write each sight word 3 times each in homework notebook.
- New blending worksheets were placed in homework folder today. Please keep them at home and review them with your child at least every other night.

Tuesday 2/7
- Complete math worksheets for lessons 27
- MAP Test will be administrated tomorrow at 8:30am sharp. Please make sure to arrive as early as possible if you want your child to eat breakfast because no breakfast will be allowed after 8am since we need to prepare for the testing. Thanks! 

Wednesday 2/8
- Complete math worksheets for lessons 28

Friday 2/10
- Review blending worksheets 

This Week's Lessons