Monday, April 24, 2017

Week of 4/24 - 4/28

Supplemental Online Helpers

  • Parents, don't forget to log onto GreatMinds. Remember that Homework Helpers and Parent Tip Sheets are provided for each module that is covered in class and the lessons within them. This is a great aid to you as the parent when you sit with your child and help them with homework.
  • iReady is an online tool that works at your child's pace and level. It works towards slowly increasing skill development in both math and reading. I ask parents to have their child work on it daily if possible (especially those whom their child is struggling to meet academic standards) for a simple 20 minutes. 
  • IXL is another great reinforcement tool that can be used at home with your child. Both ELA and Math can be practiced on a weekly bases by your child.
  • Superkids Online Portal is available to students at home to practice their sound blending in order to read words and sentences. Both online games and books can be accessed for reinforcement.
  1. iReady homework from the break should have been completed, it will be checked and grades will be put in this week. I will not except any assignments late since children were given ample time to complete all assignments. Same thing goes for the packets sent home. Thanks!
  2. Please make sure your child's seat sack has been washed and is brought back in on Monday morning.
  3. Class schedules have changed, but Monday's will remain as our gym day. Please make sure your child is dressed in full gym uniform on Mondays.
  4. Snack time has been changed from 1:15 pm to 10:30 am since lunch time has been changed and pushed to 12:45 pm. So if you'd like to send your child a healthy and nutritional snack (fruits, yogurt, cereal) that's appropriate for the morning time, you may.
  5. Computer classes have been changed to Tuesday and Thursday and iReady will continue to be used and enforced.
  6. Our class is running low on supplies, so I ask parents to please help and bring in 1 box of tissues, 1 bottle of hand sanitizer and 1 container of Clorox Disinfecting wipes. Thanks in advance!
  7. Students will have a Progress Test in reading on Thursday - you may review with them the letters Mm and Nn.
Sight Words
  1. give
  2. may
  3. people
  4. who
Monday 4/24
- iReady homework was checked and grades have been put in. There is NO grace period on completing assignments and students who failed to do the work have received an incomplete for the assignments. A reminder to parents that your involvement in homework and studying aids your child's academic progress.  
- Write each sight word 3 times each in homework notebook.
- Math worksheet for lesson 32

Tuesday 4/25
- Math worksheet for lesson 33
- I will be assigning more lessons on iReady by the end of the week. In order for those lessons to appear your child must complete any incomplete lessons from prior days. I suggest that you have your child catch up to date with all iReady assignments or they will continue to receive incomplete. If your child has completed all their work, you have nothing to worry about. 

Wednesday 4/26
- Math worksheet for lesson 34
- Write a sentence for each sight word in hw nb.
- Review sight words
- Our class is running low on supplies, so I ask parents to please help and bring in 1 box of tissues, 1 bottle of hand-sanitizer and 1 container of Clorox Disinfecting wipes. Thanks in advance!

Thursday 4/27
- Math worksheet for lesson 35
- Reminder that ITBS testing starts next week and parents should be reviewing and helping their child at home with their weak areas. This is why iReady has been assigned.
- Going forward, homework for tonight includes completing reading lessons on iReady: Rhyming One-Syllable Words and Rhyming Two-Syllable Words (they will be in the blue box under Extra Lessons) If you child has not completed the homework assigned over the break, they should be completing them to catch up and not fall behind with assignments.
- Review sight words
- Our class is running low on supplies, so I ask parents to please help and bring in 1 box of tissues, 1 bottle of hand-sanitizer and 1 container of Clorox Disinfecting wipes. Thanks in advance!
- Play clothes tomorrow with a $1 donation

Friday 4/28
- Math worksheet for lesson 36
- iReady Math lesson on: Counting and Ordering to 30 and Reading lesson on: Beginning Consonants P & W
- New blending worksheets were sent home please make sure you are review with your child.
- Reminder that ITBS testing begins next week on May 2nd. 

Lessons for the week