Friday, March 23, 2018

Easter Recess Homework

2nd Grade
**Complete the packet given out for grammar.

**Log onto MAP Skills and complete all assignments by Friday 4/7

**Log onto Front Row and complete all assignments by Friday 4/7

3rd Grade
**Read the following passages and then answer the comprehension questions that correspond on loose leaf. Write out multiple choice questions and restate short response questions. Loose leaf should have a full heading and each passage should be labeled before answering questions.

  • Water Everywhere pp. 150 - 155 (Determining Word Meaning)
  • Watch Out for Weather! pp. 156 - 161 (Use Text Features)
  • Stop the Droughts! pp. 162 - 167 (Distinguishing Points of View)?
  • Dust Bowl Disaster pp. 168 - 172 (Close Read)
  • Lighting Strikes! pp. 175 - 176 (Reading Informational Text)

**Log onto MAP Skills and complete all assignments by Friday 4/7

**Log onto Front Row and complete all assignments by Friday 4/7