Monday, January 6, 2020

January 6th - 10th

Welcome back, I hope everyone had a restful and happy holiday break.

*MAP testing begins this week
*Edulastic Christmas Recess homework is due Monday, 01/06
*Success Maker homework is due Tuesday, 01/07
*Progress Reports will be sent home on Friday, 01/10 - parents please check your child's HW folder, sign and return
*Parents should reinforce classroom and school rules so that students are focused and back in learning mode

     Students begin Unit 3 in the Pearson reading program. They will work on skills such as using text features to locate key information, refer to details and examples in a text when drawing inferences, distinguish different point of views with supporting evidence, and quote accurately from a text to explain what the text says explicitly.

Tuesday, 01/07
Grade 2
-Complete hours for Success Maker
-Complete classwork if not finished

Grade 4
-Sign quizzes 5 & 6 and bring back tomorrow
-Complete hours for Success Maker
-Complete classwork if not finished

Grade 3

-Complete hours for Success Maker
-Complete classwork if not finished

Grade 5
-Complete hours for Success Maker

-Complete classwork if not finished