Sunday, November 6, 2016

Week of 11/7 - 11/11


Friday, November 11th - School is closed in honor of Veteran's Day.

During the month of November, we are collecting canned goods for the hungry and poor. Mr. Woods along with the staff ask children to bring in any unopened and unused canned goods as a donation. The class with the most amount of cans collected will win a pizza party.

Module Exams are this week, it covers everything we have done so far in class. 
Tuesday, November 8th - Module 1 ELA Exams
Click here for Review Sheet

Wednesday, November 9th - Module 1 Math Exams
Click here for Review Sheet

You can also visit for Kindergarten's Module 1 Math and Domain 1 ELA if you'd like a better overview of whats covered.

Sight Words
  1. as
  2. boy
  3. he

Monday 11/7
- Write each sight words three times each in homework notebook
- Complete math worksheet for lessons 33 and 34

Tuesday 11/8
- Complete math worksheet lesson 35
- Review for tomorrow's Module 1 math test
- Complete Phonics book pages 41, 42, 43, 44

Wednesday 11/9
- Write a sentence for each sight word in the homework notebook
- Review sight words
- Module 1 Exams were sent home today.
Please look over grades and any mistakes with your child,
sign and send them back to me in the homework folder. 
- Canned foods are still being collected, some students have done a great job just this week bringing some in. We ask that if you can help donate, please send canned food with your child - every little bit helps those who are in need and hungry :-)

Thursday 11/10
- Complete math worksheet lesson 36 and 37
- Phonics book pages 46, 47, 48
- Review sight words
- MAP Testing Scores were sent home today, please review, sign and return on Monday.

Have a great weekend, see you Monday 11/14

Click here for this week's lesson plan