Sunday, November 4, 2018

November 5th - 9th

*Children are to arrive to school before prayers as school begins at 8:00 AM; students who arrive after prayers will be marked as late.

*Children are to donate canned foods for our yearly can foods drive to feed the poor. The class with the most cans will win a pizza party.

*Individual picture day is Tuesday 11/06 - all money for pictures is to be given to Mrs. Resto

*Saint projects given to 3rd and 4th grade students is due Friday 11/9

*Friday 11/9 is the last day of the first marking period; all assignments are to be done and handed in before then.

Lessons: 2nd Grade takes their Module A reading vocabulary test; discusses the meaning of the Lord's Prayer; beings to learn about natural resources and takes their test on animals.

Lessons: 3rd Grade takes their Module A reading vocabulary test; works on their saint projects and wraps up on learning about praying for the healing and eternal life.

Lessons: 4th Grade uses class time to work on their saint project and wraps up on learning about the Eighth Commandment.

Monday 11-05:
2nd Grade
*Bring in canned food for our school food drive (remember our goal is to feed as many poor people as possible)
*Complete reading logs
*Study for reading vocabulary test on Wednesday 11-07
3rd Grade
*Complete reading logs
*Study for reading vocabulary test on Wednesday 11-07
*Work on saint project due Friday 11-09
4th Grade
*Work on saint project due Friday 11-09

Tuesday 11-06:
2nd Grade
*Bring in canned food for our school food drive
*Complete reading logs
*Study for tomorrow's reading vocabulary test
*Students who did not finish social studies classwork for chapter 3 lesson 1 must finish tonight; all vocabulary (on pp. 48-55) and questions B, C, and D on p. 55
3rd Grade
*Complete reading logs
*Study for tomorrow's reading vocabulary test
*Work on saint project due Friday 11-09
4th Grade
*Work on saint project due Friday 11-09

Wednesday 11-07:
2nd Grade
*I ask that parents reinforce classroom rules with their child every night to ensure that they are focused during the day.
*Bring in canned food for our school food drive
*Complete reading logs
3rd Grade
*Complete reading logs
4th Grade
*Work on saint project due Friday 11-09

Thursday 11-08:

2nd Grade
*I ask that parents reinforce classroom rules with their child every night to ensure that they are focused during the day.
*Bring in canned food for our school food drive
*Complete reading logs

3rd Grade
*Complete reading logs

4th Grade
*Work on saint project due tomorrow

Friday 11-09:
2nd Grade
*Log onto Freckle and complete assignments

3rd Grade
*Saints project due tonight by 11:59 pm

4th Grade
*Saints project due tonight by 11:59 pm