Sunday, March 31, 2019

April 1st - 5th

NY State ELA Session 2 Test scheduled for tomorrow had been moved to Thursday, 04/04

*Tuesday & Wednesday, April 2nd & 3rd - NY State Test in session
*Students should have No.2 pencils sharpened & ready
*Friday, 04/05 - Stations of the Cross @ 12:15 PM
*April calendars will be sent home this week; please read both pages carefully.
*No reading logs this week or next week, we will resume with them after Easter break

Lessons: 2nd Grade will learn more about contractions; continue to learn about immigrants and discuss the celebration of the Mass.

Lessons: 3rd Grade will be taking the NY State Exam this week and will learn about the Apostle's Creed.

Lessons: 4th Grade will discuss the Beatitudes.

Monday 04-01
Grade 2:
*April calendars were sent home; please check your child's folder.

Grade 3:

*Make sure to have breakfast tomorrow morning and bring in at least 2 No. 2 pencils sharpened and ready to work.

Wednesday 04-03
Grade 2:
*Complete classwork pages for synonyms in voyages workbook.

Grade 3:
*Make sure to go to sleep early tonight so that you get enough rest; have a hearty breakfast tomorrow morning and bring in at least 3 No. 2 pencils sharpened along with a highlighter and ready to work.