Sunday, April 7, 2019

April 8th - 12th

*All students should bring in sturdy shopping bags by Tuesday, April 9th to put textbooks away for the break

*There will be no Reconciliation or Communion class this week.

*Monday, April 8th - Dismissal is at 12 noon

*Thursday, April 11th - Distribution of report cards will be done by Mr. Woods, please check your child's homework folder 

*Friday, April 12th - Passion Play will begin at 8:30 AM in the Church; and dismissal is at 12 noon, Parent Teacher Conferences will be held in the lunchroom from 2:00 - 6:00 PM sharp!

*Easter Break begins at the end of the day on April 12th and school will resume on Monday, April 29th

*Starting this week, I will be administering the NYSESLAT for students in grades 2 & 3

Monday 04-8
2nd Grade:
*Reading logs for the break were given out today, please take them out of your child's folder and keep them at home until we return to school on the 29th. They are to be filled out during the two weeks in which we are off from school, selecting a different reading strategy each day.

*Bring in shopping bags tomorrow so that books can be packed away for the break.

Tuesday 04-09
2nd Grade:
*Some students did not bring in a shopping bag to place their textbooks away; bring one in tomorrow

4th Grade:
*Complete classwork on p. 243 of textbook

Thursday 04-11
2nd Grade:
*Students are to dress up for tomorrow as we will be in Church for the Passion Play; NO JEANS & NO SNEAKERS
*Rice Bowls are due tomorrow, please bring them in with any donations
*Children are not required to bring in book bags for tomorrow just a lunchbox with their snack/lunch

*Complete phonics book pp. 25 - 35 (purple book)
*Complete reading logs - using a different writing strategy each day
*Complete 20 minutes a day of reading on Success Maker - website/username/password tapped into math folders